WSFS Rules as of Worldcon #22 (1964)

Available Documents

According to a report published in Yandro issue 142 (first link below is to a JPG scan of the first page hosted by; the other links are to transcriptions of the article) entitled “A Question of Continuity” by George Scithers, the 1963 Business meeting at Discon I (Worldcon 21) adopted a Constitution as shown in the article. According to Scithers’ commentary, this document is substantially similar to a document passed two years previously at Seacon (Worldcon 19). It appears that these rules were mostly, but not completely, followed by the Pacificon II (Worldcon 23) committee. This document gives some background on why WSFS is not incorporated and how these rules side-stepped a number of organizational questions created by the 1958 Worldcon’s repudiation of the at-that-time existing WSFS Inc. In addition, because this version of the Constitution did not provide for voting by mail for Site Selection, the selection of future Worldcon sites was still done solely in a vote in person at the Business Meeting.

Much of this article includes Scithers’ commentary upon the document, and it is clear that many things were done quite differently in those days; however, many practices now followed are visible in this version of WSFS’s governing document.